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(中英双语)成都大学海外教育学院疫情防控期间 留学生教学工作安排答疑

发布时间:2020-02-21 | 浏览人次:



Q & A on the Teaching Arrangements

for International Students of College of Overseas Education, Chengdu University During the Period of Epidemic Prevention & Control

01. 留学生入学工作安排

Arrangements for Admission of International Students

Q1: 何时可以返校?

When can I return to school?

A: 为做好新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作,切实保障全校师生身体健康和生命安全,学校已经下发关于2020年春季学期延期返校的通知,学院自224日起开展线上教学。具体返校时间一经确定,学院会及时发布相关通知,请各位同学关注学院网站http://coe.cdu.edu.cn/ /以及微信公众号“成大海外”。

In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, and to effectively protect the health and life of teachers and students throughout the school, Chengdu University has issued a notice on the postponed return to school in the spring semester of 2020, and our College will launch online teaching from February 24. Once the specific return time is determined, the college will release relevant notices in time. Please pay attention to the college website http://coe.cdu.edu.cn/ and the WeChat official account “Chengda Overseas”.


Q2: 注册入学、学费缴纳该如何办理?

How to register for admission and pay for the tuition?

A: 各位同学可班级微信群/QQ群里向班主任签到,办理注册入学,正式返校后再进行缴费。

Students can sign in to the class teacher in the WeChat group / QQ group of the class, register for enrollment, and pay for the tuition after returning to school.



How do I apply for a deferred report?

A: 如老生申请延期报到,需向班主任提交延期报到申请说明原因,经所在学院同意,报国际合作与交流处批准后方可延期报到。新生延期报到请联系国际合作与交流处外籍人员管理服务科oice@cdu.edu.cn

In case of an extension of report, a registered student shall submit an application for extension of report to the class teacher and explain the reasons. With the consent of his / her college and the approval of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office, the extension of report can be carried out. For freshmen, please contact the Foreign Personnel Management Service Section of International Cooperation and Exchange Office at oise@cdu.edu.cn for the extension of registration.


Q4: 休学、退学该如何办理?

What should I do for suspension and withdrawal?

A: 申请休学和退学的学生oice.cdu.edu.cn 留学成大下载并填写《成都大学国际学生学籍处理意见表》,在班主任指导按照规定程序办理。申请退学的学生在结清费用后方能办理退学手续。如果学生和家长对疫情有担忧,建议不要办理退学,班主任会指导学生办理延期至秋季学期复学的休学手续。

Students who apply for suspension or withdrawal can download and fill out the "Chengdu University International Student Status Opinion Form" at oice.cdu.edu.cn, and follow the prescribed procedures under the guidance of the class teacher. Students who apply for withdrawal can go through the withdrawal process after the fees have been settled. If students and parents are concerned about the epidemic, it is still recommended not to withdraw from school. The class teacher will guide students to apply for a suspension from school till the fall semester.


Q5: 我是老生,本期的奖学金如何领取?

I am a registered student. How do I get the scholarship of this term?

A: 老生的奖学金在春季学期学生返校后统一发放。

Scholarships for registered students will be issued after students return to school in the spring semester.


Q 6: 我如何办理证件延期?

How do I apply for a visa extension?

A: 证件延期咨询与办理,请联系国际合作与交流处外籍人员管理服务科oice@cdu.edu.cn

For the consultation and application for the extension of the visa, please contact the Foreign Personnel Management Service Section of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office at oice@cdu.edu.cn


02. 留学生教学工作

Teaching Arrangements for International Students

Q7: 留学生线上课程上课的具体时间?

what is the time of online courses for international students?

A: 学历留学生于224日开始正式线上授课,语言生课程于39日正式开始线上授课,班主任将通过班级微信群、班级QQ群和邮件,发布课程表和课程具体安排及要求。

The online teaching will begin on February 24 for the international students with formal qualifications, and start on March 9 for language students. The class teacher will release the curriculum schedule, specific arrangement and requirements of the courses through the class WeChat group, class QQ group and email.


Q8: 延期返校期间,主要通过什么方式进行课程学习?

what is the main way to learn the course during the extended return period?

A: 延期返校期间,留学生课程将采用网络学习等方式开展教学,具体包括:





During the extended return period, the courses for international students will be taught by means of online learning, including:

(1) Live teaching: Teachers teach online according to the school timetable, students learn and participate in discussions, assignments, and attendance online;

(2) Recorded lectures: Teachers record lecture videos or courseware with audio commentary in advance and upload them to the network platform; teachers conduct online Q & A on a regular basis, and students complete studies (including uploading assignments) as required by teachers

 (3) Teaching on other online platforms: Teachers will conduct live lectures, assessments and tutoring through other professional curriculum platforms and online platforms according to the school timetable, provide detailed and specific learning requirements, and regularly conduct online Q & A and discussion, and students will conduct online independent learning through the platforms, participate in discussion and submit assignments, and complete learning tasks according to the requirements of teachers;

 (4) Other forms of teaching: teachers will complete teaching activities such as distributing teaching materials and curriculum outline, arranging learning tasks and homework, organizing discussion, tutoring and answering and supervision by means of WeChat group, QQ group, e-mail, online Q & A, etc. Students will conduct online independent learning, participate in discussion, submit assignments, and complete learning tasks according to the requirements of teachers.


Q9: 网络学习资源都是在超星学习通吗?还会有哪些教学平台?

Are all the online learning resources available through Chaoxing Learning (超星学习通)? What are the other teaching platforms?

A: 1)教师的授课资源主要集中在超星学习通。也有教师可能会利用其他网络平台,专业教学学院和班主任会及时向同学们发布各门课程网络平台使用安排,如有疑问请及时联系班主任老师。


   (1) The teachers’ teaching resources will be mainly concentrated in Chaoxing Learning (超星学习通); however, some teachers may also use other online platforms. Your college and class teacher will promptly let you know the relevant arrangements for the use of each course's online platform. If you have any questions, please contact the class teacher in time.

(2) At present, the following two platforms, namely "Chaoxing Online Teaching Platform (http://erya.mooc.chaoxing.com)" and "Chinese Education Cloud Platform (https://info.tangce.cn) will be adopted for teaching the language students.


Q10: 我如何查看教师的课程安排,并参与课程学习?

How can I view the teacher's curriculum and participate in the course learning?

A: 班主任将通过班级微信群、班级QQ群和邮件,发布课程表和课程具体安排及要求。

The class teacher will release the curriculum schedule and specific arrangement and requirements of each online course through the class WeChat group, QQ group and email.


Q11: 我不清楚具体的课程名称和教师信息,该如何查询课程呢?

If I don't know the specific course name and teacher information, how can I check the course?

A: 课表已由班主任向各位学生发布,如还有疑问,请及时联系班主任。

The schedule has been released by the class teacher to the students. If you have any questions, please contact the class teacher in time.


Q12: 我这里上网条件不好,网络直播课程实时参加学习有困难怎么办?

My Internet connection is not good. What should I do if I have difficulty participating in the live webcast course?

A: 上网条件不好的学生可以与任课教师或班主任联系获取相关课程视频和材料进行自学,返校后由对外汉语教研室以及相关专业学院组织进行针对性辅导和补课。

Students with poor Internet access can contact the professional teacher or class teacher to obtain relevant course videos and materials for self-study. After returning to school, the Chinese Language Teaching and Research Office and related colleges will organize targeted coaching and supplementary classes.


Q13: 我有专业课课程缓考、重修,应该怎么办理?

If I have deferred examinations and retakes of professional courses, what should I do?

A: 缓考、重修工作待返校后,由相关专业学院再另行安排。

Delayed examinations and retakes will be arranged by the relevant colleges after students return to school.


03. 学历留学生学位论文与学位授予相关工作

The Related Work of Thesis and Degree Conferring for International Students


Q14: 延期返校期间,我的毕业论文如何才能得到有效指导?

How can I get effective guidance on my thesis during the deferred return?

A: 学校要求论文指导老师采取远程指导的方式,对毕业论文进展情况予以指导,建议同学主动与论文指导老师通过电话、电子邮件等方式进行交流。如不清楚论文指导教师联系方式等,请及时联系班主任老师。

The University requires the thesis supervisors to use remote guidance to direct the progress of the graduation thesis. It is recommended that students actively communicate with the thesis instructor by phone, email, etc. If you do not know the contact information of the thesis instructor, please contact the class teacher in time.


Q15: 因延期返校,20206月的毕业及学位授予工作安排是否有变化?

Due to the delay in returning to school, are there any changes to the graduation and degree-granting work arrangements in June 2020?

A: 学校将视情况适当调整学位审议时间,尽最大可能避免对同学们后续深造或就业安排造成影响。请今年6月即将毕业的同学继续推进学位论文工作,学院和论文指导老师会为大家提供有力的支持和指导。

The University will adjust the time of degree deliberation according to the situation, so as to avoid the impact on students' further study or employment arrangement as far as possible. Students who will graduate this June are requested to continue their dissertation work. The college and thesis instructor will provide you with strong support and guidance.


04. 其他



Q16: 我如果在校外想访问校内系统,该怎么办?

What should I do if I want to access the school system outside the school?

A: 请登录学校VPNhttps://vpn.cdu.edu.cn,在学校VPN的资源页面点击成都大学官网选择各学院网站或成功登录学校VPN后登录相关学院网站。

Please log in to the school VPN: https://vpn.cdu.edu.cn, click the Chengdu University official website on the school VPN resource page to select each college website or log in to the school VPN after successfully logging in to the school VPN


Q17: 我的问题不在以上问题里,该怎么办?

If my question is not among the above questions, what should I do?

A: 请与班主任进行联系解答。海外教育学院也会对于共性问题完善问答内容并及时发布。

Please contact the class teacher for answers. The Overseas Education College will also improve the Q & A content for common problems and release it in time.




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                                 The Overseas Education College of Chengdu University


Feb. 20, 2020
